Marmarabirlik Extra Virgin Olive Oil (250mL)

0.53 lb

EVOO  (Natural SIZMA) is an acronym for extra virgin olive oil, and it is a classification of olive oil that requires the product meet a strict set of regulations for a company to apply it to their product.

NATUREL SIZMA: Herhangi bir kimyasalla muamele edilmeksizin, yağın doğal yapısına zarar vermeyecek şekilde, zeytinden mekanik veya fiziksel işlemler sonucu elde edilen, herhangi bir kusur içermeyen, meyvemsilik gibi olumlu tat özelliklerini bünyesinde barındıran ve serbest yağ asitliği oleik asit cinsinden her 100 g’da 0,8 g’dan fazla olmayan yağdır. 

Olive Oil Is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats, contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants, has Strong Anti-Inflammatory Properties, may Help Prevent Strokes, is Protective Against Heart Disease. Olive Oil Is Not Associated With Weight Gain and Obesity.